If you are considering designing and building something similar to this flame effect DO NOT USE THE INFORMATION HERE AS YOUR ONLY SOURCE! Make absolutely no assumptions regarding the materials, individual components, and their applications as shown.

Questions contact:

Propane is corrosive to some materials. Especially some types of rubber which, in the case of an improperly used hose, deteriorate undetected from the inside out. Pressures can become excessive, fire will burn you, things can blow up. This is dangerous, you are responsible for your own safety, do not blame me.
Here are a few resources to begin researching. Understand completely what is required and why:
• Creating Dangerous Artwork Safely
• Flame Effects Guidelines
• Pyro Tribe

Assembly Diagram
This is a later design than shown in the images on this page. Problems developed by
attaching the barrel directly to the top of the accumulator. Vibration stress caused the
barrel to crack at the threads. This diagram shows a 1/2" propane rated hose connecting
the effect valve to the barrel to eliminate vibration stress at the barrel's threads.
Assembly Diagram
May 12, 2012
Flame Effect on BigDog
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